Saturday, February 25, 2006

Champions League: Werder Bremen vs Juventus Turin

One more precious moment has been granted into my life. Since I came here I've been praying for the coming of Juventus to Bremen. And God answered me...
On 22nd of February, my husband and I got a chance to watch a big match of 1/8 round of Champions League between Werder and Juventus. The tickets cost 80 Euro for two different-away seats.

I couldn't believe that Nedved -- the best player in the world, at least in my eyes -- was running around the field in front of me. He was so amazing, so strong, and incredible!

to be continued...


  1. Waa...waaa....sirik...pengen nonton juga....btw, sempet ngambil foto del piero sendiri gak? kalo ada mau dong. Btw, sedih gak waktu tau kalo juve kalah?

  2. hehe, itu juga untung banget bisa beli tiket dari calo. soalnya tiket sudah habis sejak 2 bulan yang lalu!
    kalo gak bisa liat juve, rasanya bisa gila saya mbak, hehe.
    suka sama del piero ya? ada tuh fotonya, tapi pecah banget, maklum zooming sampe maximal sih :)
