Monday, June 15, 2009

what would you do...

if you are very upset and hurt?
if your tears can't stop running down?
if you have no one to share your grief with?

what would you do?
tell me please.


  1. hm....

    I would do my hobby...

    it is "joking my life" and laughing with all my friend...

    after I enough laughing....

    I would say to my God,,
    "thanks God,, you make me stronger... "

  2. I think I would keep silent
    be still
    and wait in faith
    if I still have it.

  3. Sepi adalah temanku...
    Menertawakanku dalam kekurangan..
    Menangisiku dalam kebahagiaan...
    Seberapa aku berusaha..
    Sepi selalu berdiri di atasku...

    Sampai kapan dia menghilang..
    JAuh dalam hariku..
    Lenyap dalam mimpiku..
    Hingga dia terbuang jauh...
    Dan tak mengganggu cintaku..
    Oh...bila itu terjadi..

    Yang kutahu sisi gelapnya..
    Kesepian yang selalu membahana..
    Terabaikan begitu saja...
    Ketika sang kasihku tlah tiba...
    Kembali dalam pelukan dan kasihku..
    Mengisi segala kesepian..

    Inilah aku...
    Biduan kesepian..hanya sementara saja..
    Dan nanti bila saatnya dia tiba..
    Aku kan datang menantinya selalu...
    Hingga ke dasar angan terdalam...
    Dan sampai saatnya berakhir...
    Selamat tinggal kesepian...

  4. I'll do nothing, just sit, keep weeping, and enjoy the silence. Later, a small voice in my heart will comfort me.

  5. If I am alone by my self
    Only emptiness surrounding me
    And feel nobody know me
    Feel like I have no one

    I will close my eyes
    Listening to the silence
    Let my tear down through my cheek
    And wait for the help coming to me
