Tuesday, October 25, 2005


This is the second Autumn that I have experienced since I came here.
Yesterday I talked to Sebastian and Farhan about this.
I told them how I admired the beauty of Autumn, when the sun reflects the colors, the golden yellows, the crimson reds, all seem to blend together so perfectly. And when the Autumn rain starts falling, bathing the leaves upon the ground, I often pause and stand in wonder at God's beauty scattered all around.
It's like a simple reminder of who's in charge and blesses us with this beauty so rare.
I feel that God is showing us a bit of heaven as we look :)

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Last night on SAT 1: Bayern München vs Juventus

Did any of you see the live-match shown last night between Bayern München and Juventus?
Oh, it was so annoying! The score was ended with 2-1 for Bayern.
As a fanatic Juventini, I consciously judged the referee who seemed to be unfair to Juve. Poor Juve...
But I'm just awaiting for the next coming match, on the 2nd of November in Turin!
Watchout Bayern!

Monday, October 17, 2005

Mereka berkata: "periksalah ke dokter"

Setelah phobia akan ular, aku yakin kalimat seperti: "periksalah ke dokter" akan menjadi phobia keduaku.
Bagaimana tidak, dalam beberapa bulan ini aku 'terpaksa' harus periksa ke dokter karena merasa ada sesuatu yang 'tidak semestinya' dalam tubuhku. Karena ingin tahu apa itu sebenarnya, aku coba telpon beberapa teman. Dan semua memberi saran yang sama: "periksalah ke dokter".
Setelah pikir-pikir dan diskusi dengan suami, oke.. akhirnya kami putuskan untuk periksa ke dokter.
Kalian tahu kan bagaimana rasanya pergi ke dokter? Begitu masuk ke klinik/tempat praktek, aroma ruangan yang bernuansa 'sakit' langsung terasa.. dan itu membuat aku jadi merasa benar-benar sakit! Mungkin karena kombinasi dari rasa takut, kuatir, dan tegang akan hasil pemeriksaan nanti. Belum lagi melihat pasien-pasien lain yang sepertinya memang benar-benar sakit, wah makin desperate-lah aku. Padahal sebenarnya (bisa jadi) tidak ada apa-apa. Oh mamamia...
Sejak kecil, aku memang paling takut ke dokter. Kalau sakit, sedapat mungkin aku akan minum obat-obatan yang notabene sudah jelas fungsinya - paracetamol untuk menurunkan demam, amoxy and ampicillin untuk antibiotik, antalgin untuk menghilangkan rasa sakit - tuh pinter kan saya?:). Atau aku akan beli obat-obatan yang banyak dijual di warung-warung di Indo - Procol, Decolgen, Panadol, dll. Kalau sudah parah, sedapat mungkin dokter kenalan keluarga akan diminta datang ke rumah untuk periksa. Dan kalau sudah sangat sangat parah, barulah aku akan periksa ke dokter.
Aku tahu, ini tidak baik. Seperti pepatah bilang: mencegah lebih baik daripada mengobati. Tapi sungguh, tidak ada yang kata yang bisa mendeskripsikan betapa alerginya aku dengan kalimat: "periksalah ke dokter"...

Sunday, October 16, 2005


It's been a busy week.
My first assignment from Audio-Visual-Media class should be ready in two weeks: a video script for one section of the learning contents for Nordsee's ongoing CBT project.
Can't wait for the shooting day.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Thank You

Thank You.

Princess Diana used to said that they are only two small words but mean so much, and people don't say them often enough these days. I most definitely agree this.
As I have also learned from my parents who always saying these two words for every single thing they got from others!

Don't be hesitate to spend a few seconds of your time just to thank someone for the help, kindness, generosity, hospitality, advice, or friendship. Kindly you could take some time to sit down and write a thank you letter.

Thursday, October 13, 2005