Monday, December 31, 2007

End of Year Reflection

Year 2007 will be going in some hours. Many things happened, good and bad things, or just in between. Above all, I praise the Lord for His love, blessing, and guidance that never end. His provision was all around.
Here I'm writing a summary upon this whole year through. I don’t know if I can accurately sum up my experiences within this limited time, but at least I will write a reflection on what has happened and what I have learnt during the year.

There are three important points in 2007 I want to highlight here...
In February, I finished my study in Germany. It was the end of two years four months of my study.
The hardest time of my study was in the last phase, when I worked on my thesis. Due to some reasons, I had to work from in Indonesia for four months. During the time, I communicated with my supervisors through email. Sometimes it was answered, sometimes not...

Working under very minimum supervision was not easy for me. And meanwhile, I was in the beginning periods of pregnancy. I believe you all could imagine how hard to work on designing, to get concentrate on programming, to read dozens of articles and books, and so on, while you got headache, tiredness, and always sleepy. Ok ok, I didn't experience all those pregnancy symptoms (morning sickness, backache, strong food craving, etc.) and hamilnya juga gak rewel2 amat. But still, it was really tough and uncomfortable.
Oh well, that moment has passed by. I'm glad that I finally could complete my study two months earlier than the official schedule. Each time I remember that moments, I'm always amazed by His awesome works.

After getting my study done, late February early March, we (my husband, the tiny embryo in my womb, and I) left Bremen and back to Indonesia (now I'm talking about the second hightlighted point in 2007). My feelings were mixed at that moment. Laughs and cries came altogether. Friends came to say goodbye and to give hugs. Saying goodbye is never an easy thing :(( Tons of precious memories will be remaining in our hearts.
Inspite everything, again I thank God for always keeping me in His hand, always be with me passing the winters, springs, summers, and autumns...

The third thing that really higlighted year 2007 happened in August. After six years married, on 20th August, I normally delivered a baby boy. He is named Amadeo Constantine Pasila. The name has been prepared since 2004, when we started to pray for having a baby.
'Amadeo' is an Italian name, meaning: the one who loves God. 'Constantine' is originally a Latin name (Konstantinus), meaning: strong, constant, endlessly. 'Pasila' is definitely a surname :)
So, we do hope that our son could be: the one who loves God endlessly.

Amadeo is the most priceless treasure that we have ever. He is the answer of our prayers. He proves us that God's promise will be done at His convenient time. He reminds us that the same God has also promised to Abraham that his descendants would be blessed (and yes, they are!), promised to Sarah that she would get a child (and yes, she have it!), promised to Noah that there won't be another overflowed water (and yes, look at the rainbow after the rain!)...

There all you have my sum up for 2007.
For the year 2008, I have some hopes for my country, my family, and myself. The hopes that are followed by faith along with love. The hopes that could make me living in His promises and standing firmly in His way. Hopefully.



Anonymous said...

Hey Hesti, Felix and Amadeo,
Wish you all a very happy, healthy and properous new year...

take care

Anonymous said...

Hello Hesti, Feliw and Amadeo (^^)
How are you everyone? Good i hope (^_^) I wish you all three a Happy New Year 2008 and all the best things you to come for this new year. I hope to get news usually from you and i'll try to do the same about me and my mum. Take care of you. Warm kisses. Greg

Anonymous said...

I did write in your MP, but let me do it once more here...

this time is for Amadeo..
Happy New Year, Amadeo...
I wish you a healthy blessed year of 2008 for you... and wish you to always be cute and sweet and handsome.... and even more...

aunty mer
cannot wait to have some discussions with you :)

Hesti said...

Namrata: Thanks a lot. Sending you the same wishes too :)

Gregory: Thanks. Will keep you updated :) Hugs for your mom.

Aunty Mer: (this one is from Amadeo)...
Thank you, Aunty for the great wishes. Can't wait to see you and talk a lot. Kisses and Hugs, Amadeo